Designing Muva.

I've been feeling extremely creative lately and I just know my Little Lover has something to do with it.
I made a dress, completed garments that I've had hanging incomplete for months, maybe even a year. I'm currently in the process of creating a garment using neck ties purchased from the local thrift store. I even revamped some platforms. Basically, I have allowed myself to be creative Bri. No boundaries, no excuses.

And I must say it feels great. Great to know that I have been blessed with the opportunity to bring life into this world no matter how crazy it is. Becoming a mother has been a dream of mine for some time and to be chosen to do so after feeling like it will never happen for me is such a beautiful feeling. So yes, I am allowing my Little Lover to bring out the creative in me as often as the ideas appear.
So I guess this is a #BloggingBri reveal if you will. lol
Stay tuned for more 1of1s being added to the roster because this Muva ain't done yet ;)
I encourage you to allow your creative juices to flow. Whether it’s writing a book, painting, designing graphics, creating recipes.
Let it flow before you let it go.
With Love Always, Always Love,