It’s been awhile Lovers and I would like to apologize for my absence. B what I won’t apologize for is all of the exciting things that have taken place throughout my hiatus. ;)
2021 was a year of change. I can admit to that considering the year is over. Many changes took place; for me, within me and around me.
I’m actually happy to welcome it because without change there is no growth and when UP is the goal, growth is bound to be at the forefront.
One of the changes to my schedule is that I’ve finally added brand styling to my resume and it has been extremely beneficial for my peace of mind. I’ve always styled friends, customers at The Garage Boutique while working as a Junior Buyer and clients through LBDS. But never have I made it a point to style Lewks on myself from businesses on island. It has been fulfilling, so much fun and I can’t believe I didn’t start sooner. (Timing)
I truly believe in timing; as impatient as I can be. Trusting the process and allowing life to happen as it should can be difficult. But we trust it, we get through it and we come out even better than ever.
I’ll continue to trust the process and allow things to happen as they are meant to happen. Join me on this journey of allowing life to flow. I look forward to having you along the ride.

Strictly Vintage Terry Styling Shoot at Admiralty House Park, Bermuda
“Lets live in the moment and cherish every bit of it” - #LoversNote