MASKED FASHION:: Phase One | High Tea Collection

MASKED FASHION:: Phase One | High Tea Collection


On Thursday April 30th 2020 @ 10am

MASKED FASHION Phase One, the first drop of our High Tea Collection was released. 

While having butterflies 30mins before our release, I was still oh so ready for takeoff to our first "mask drop." A leafy print representing our latest collection theme.

Realistically it has taken some time getting used to wearing a mask everyday for safety purposes and not just as an accessory. How we went from clients ordering a mask for a one-of occasion to them needing masks on a daily. 

Reminder: Our masks will always be fashionable with the safety of our Lovers in mind. 

Considering we have no idea when we will no longer be needing to wear them we might as well "Make It Fashion"


With Love Always,

Brittany Yakima



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